May 4, 2006 . Healing permalink ]

My ankle is starting to get better. I no longer need to hop around, although I am still just shuffling rather than walking. Maybe by the end of tomorrow I’ll just have a limp!

Today I spent a few hours working on the college videos, which I have been neglecting lately. I put up a few new clips and managed to finally get to the end of tape I’ve been working on for a while. The last hour or so of the tape had very little usable footage; the cameraman was too drunk to get many good shots.

Enjoy the new clips, I hope to serve up some more soon.

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February 8, 2006 . College Videos permalink ]

I’m finally starting to dedicate some time to editing the tapes from college. I’ve had them for over a year
now and so far only managed to digitize them. I’m going to try to spend half an hour a day on these guys
until they are done, so look for a DVD in a few months.

In the meantime, you can check out the new section of my page dedicated to this topic. The
link to the left will take you to a new page that will have short clips of the video I am working on. There is
one clip up already!

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