March 13, 2008 . Lazy permalink ]

It’s been a while, but there isn’t a whole lot to report. I’ve been busy with work and I’ve wasted some spare time on my new XBox (Call of Duty 4 is very, very fun). I did watch the first three discs of Black Lagoon, which is a fantastic anime. But now I’m waiting for some other company to pick up distribution of the remaining episodes from Geneon, which dropped all US distribution late last year. Bastards.

I stumbled across these funny videos a few days ago (it’s best to watch them in order, but in my opinion the second is the best).  Note to the gullible – none of what you are about to see was serious, although in the second one Jimmy was surprised because he actually did not know what was on the tape.

Posted at 6:08 pm [ 0 comments ] [ Categories: TV ]
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