May 2, 2006 . Trapped permalink ] [ trackback ]

I’m trapped. Stuck in my condo, unable to leave. Even within my condo, my movements are limited.

Why am I trapped? Because I sprained my ankle last night. Pretty bad, too. Bad enough that I can’t put much body weight on my left leg. Which means that I can’t walk. If I want to move from my couch to my office, for instance, I hop on my right leg over to the other room. And showering last night was a major feat of one-legged gymnastics.

I’ve been icing down my ankle and keeping it elevated whenever I can (hard to do while working on a laptop). I can already tell it has started to slightly heal, but it may be another couple of days before I can even walk to the grocery store across the street.

On a more positive note, here are some funny video links (credits go to Jill and ClunkyRobot):

Posted at 3:45 pm [ 1 comment ] [ Categories: Uncategorized ]
1 comment:
On May 3rd, 2006, at 11:37 am, PI Visuals said ... [ permalink ]

You could always sort through 2712 unnamed files in order to aid in the recovery of some important files.

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