August 19, 2006 . It’s Been a While permalink ] [ trackback ]

The site hasn’t changed much recently, but I have been busy. Unfortunately, I haven’t been busy working on the site. My day job has been taking up a lot of my time recently and my spare hours have been going into working on a new model in Lightwave. I’m working on creating my first good human model. So far, I have a decent amount done on the head, but I still need to do some shaping until I’m happy with it. Then I’ll move on to modeling the body.

The good news is that I should have more spare time in the near future. I still have a good amount of vacation days to use up before the end of the year, so I will have lots of long weekends in the months to come.

I hope to update more frequently once my schedule lightens up.

Posted at 2:52 pm [ 0 comments ] [ Categories: 3D ]
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