A few days ago, I upgraded my version of Firefox on my home computer because it was running an older version (it was running the last released version of the Mozilla Suite, which I think is no longer kept up-to-date with the latest Firefox versions). Anyway, after the upgrade I checked out the different plug-ins available and found some really nice utilities available for the browser. Some of the more useful: ForecastFox (keeps local weather info and forecasts in the status bar, very clean looking and useful) and Sage. Sage is a RSS feed reader, which allows you to organize different supported blogs and information sources without actually visiting all of the sites you usually watch. If you use Blogger, you probably already have a RSS feed for your blog. Sage is the client piece to this technology.
Today, Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7.0 to the masses, including it in the automatic updates. I installed it and it’s pretty nice, although it seems that right now they are playing catch-up to Mozilla. However, built into the browser is an integrated RSS feed reader, with your favorites organized and categorized in a separate tab of the “Favorites” sidebar. There is even a button that you can press for sites that have a feed available from the page.
The point? I’ve begun using the feed reader in Mozilla, which I’ll keep using until there is a compelling reason to switch back to IE. Also, I made sure that my “Posts” and “Gallery” sections have working feeds, so you should be able to add them to your favorite feed reader. If you run into any problems, drop me a line!